Cellucor | C4 Ripped


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Features & Compatibility


Cellucor C4 Ripped is a high-quality pre-workout supplement that provides energy, focus, stamina, and added fat-burn ingredients. It incorporates an energized performance blend containing L-Carnitine, Green Coffee Bean Extract, and Capsimax Cayenne Fruit Extract for metabolism and, a lean body look. C4 Ripped does not contain creatine to increase water retention hence giving a pulsated energy đánh. Beta-alanine delays the onset of muscular fatigue, caffeine gives an energy kick, and N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine sharpens concentration. C4 Ripped is available to athletes of all experience levels because it conceals a natural fat and is safe. Exercisers should take Cannabis approximately 20 to 30 minutes before working out to achieve enhanced endurance and concentration together with increased energy levels. The drink is perfect for slimming due to its invigorating taste and gives you dependable weight loss, energy, fat-burning, and stamina.

The science underlying the Cellucor | C4 Ripped

Cellucor C4 Ripped is a high quality pre-workout supplement powder containing products necessary to provide the energy required during workouts and help in weight loss efforts. L-carnitine, Green Coffee Extract, and Capsimax are among the key ingredients that give this pre-workout supplement its properties that improve metabolism and cause fat breakdown and energy boost with longevity. Perfect for that extra energy boost it is great for pre-workout since it doesn’t contain creatine. Whether a person requires a pre-workout supplement for fat loss or as a supplement to the pre-workout meal, you should buy pre-workout online to get the best pre-workout effects and outcomes.

Benefits of Cellucor | C4 Ripped

  • Boosts Energy: C4 Ripped has caffeine to improve concentration during training and a superior pump.
  • Supports Fat Loss: It includes L-carnitine which helps in breaking fats, and green coffee bean extract is included as well.
  • Improves Performance: C4 Ripped assists with boosting stamina and giving the energy needed to go harder during your workout regimen.
  • Enhances Focus: It contains supplements such as beta-alanine, which facilitate proper brain secretion during the time of exercise.
  • Pre-Workout Convenience: It contains products that increase energy and those, that burn fat, thus saving you time and money on buying two different supplements for workout preparation.


Users need to take Cellucor C4 Ripped just before working out to experience its energizing effects, improved concentration, and fat reduction benefits. For usage, dissolve one scoop in 6-8 ounces of water. Take it 20-30 min before the regular exercise regime. For first timers, one should take half the scoop to determine the effectiveness and slowly build up toward the entire scoop. They should not take two scoops in any one day or 48 hours. Consumers must increase their water consumption because C4 Ripped contains diuretic properties. Further, they should also be cautious not to take the supplement at night because of the caffeine present in the product. It is very important to follow the recommended dosage and contact the doctor if any questions appear.


  • High Caffeine Content: Found to contain a moderate to high content of caffeine leading to nervosity, anxiety, or difficulty sleeping depending on the overarousal type.
  • Not for Pregnant or Nursing Women: It is best avoided by pregnant or breastfeeding women because of safety concerns.
  • Consult Healthcare Provider: The following side effects are possible: headache, dizziness, upset stomach, nausea, forgetfulness, confusion, rash, hives, difficulty breathing, chest pain, irregular heartbeat, fainting, and problems with urine or stool.
  • Limit Other Caffeine Sources: It is also important not to have other products containing caffeine in a bid to avoid overloading the body.
  • Keep Out of Reach of Children: May not be consumed by persons below the legal drinking age or those who are below 18 years of age.
  • Possible Side Effects: This may lead to stomach upset, less urine production, or raise the heartbeat for some users.

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30 servings


Fruit Punch

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